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Newsletter November '14


Readers, listeners,

“If music be the food of love, play on.
Give me excess of it that, surfeiting,
the appetite may sicken and so die.”

‘Twelfth Night’ by William Shakespeare (1564-1616)



This month you can win a cd with music from Erik Satie if you know the correct answer to our question.prijsvraag

Last month's question was: Which country does the pianist György Sebök come from, what was the year of his birth and of his death, and at which music school did he study?

The answer was: Hungary, born 1922, died 1999 and he studied at the Franz Liszt Academy in Budapest. The lucky winners are: Ans Kalkman, Floor Vogelaar, Paul van Dijk, Bob van Eijk and Berendina Jaarsma. Congratulations!

This month’s question

Where and when does the Erik Satie Festival take place? Which musicians produced the CD that will be presented at the festival?

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Over the Wall: November 2 to November 9 on the Concertzender

The Berlin Wall came down 25 years ago. Various departments will broadcast special programmes in the period from November 2 to November 9 to commemorate this event.

Bowie in BerlijnThe Over the Wall series starts with ‘Madge-
point’ on Sunday November 2 with a program-
me that looks at the possible differences
of interpretation between the East German conductor Hermann Abendroth and his Dutch counterpart Eduard van Beinum.

The same evening in ‘X-Rated’, Bob Rusche will
be playing music inspired by Berlin and the
Wall from Bowie to Einstürzende Neubauten.

The series ends on November 9 with nine German women composers in ‘Mona Lisa’.

Our website contains full information about all
the programmes in our Over the Wall series.


Concertzender Radio app now available for download!

The Concertzender radio app for Android and iOS is now available free for download. logo Concertzender app

The app provides iOS and Android users with classical music, jazz, electronic and world music, clearly organised and easy to find. That is the power of the app: no fuss, simple navigation
and large buttons.

De app is both easy to use and complete:
theme channels, Radio on Demand, searching
in the archive, news, programme guides. It is
all available with a few simple actions.


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Festivals: November Music and Le Guess Who?

De Concertzender is present at a number of festival in November.
In this newsletter we look at two of them. Hope to see you there!

Le Guess Who logoNovember Music

November Music was established more than
20 years ago and since the start has focused
on contemporary music and contemporary musicians. We broadcast a number of programmes in October with music by Kate Moore, the featured composer in this years festival in Den Bosch from November 5 to November 9. The Concertzender is again
present at this year's festival and is recording
14 concerts.

Le Guess Who?

This year is the first time that the Concertzender is at Le Guess Who?, a relatively new festival in Utrecht for adventurous music.

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Andy BeyCD of the month

Erwin Maas (see ‘Introducing’) has chosen Andy Bey's album ‘Pages from an Imaginary Life’ (High Note, 2014) as our CD of the month.

He has this to say : “For jazz lovers, one of the highlights of recent weeks was definitely the release of John Coltrane's legendary Temple University concert. 9 months before his death,
an inspired Coltrane throws off all restraints in his search for spirituality. No-one has ever blown his last embers away with such life. But despite that I still decided to choose singer Andy Bey's new album ‘Pages from and Imaginary Life’.

Bey has not yet broken through with a wider public during his 60 year career.
When he was 17 he started the trio Andy Bey and the Bey Sisters with his two sisters. He has also recorded with jazz greats like Horace Silver, Max Roach and Stanley Clarke.”

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Eric Vaarzon MorelLive in Acoustic Roots: Eric Vaarzon Morel

From 21:00 to 22:00 on Friday 21 November, Eric Vaarzon Morel will be our guest in Acoustic Roots. The concert will be recorded
in the Pieternel in the Pieterskerk in Utrecht.

Eric Vaarzon Morel (born 1961) is the son of painter Wim Vaarzon Morel and at 16 began studying with Paco Pena at the 7th Rencontre
de la guitare in France. He was so inspired that at 19 he moved to Spain, where he lived and workd for 2 years. During the Eighties he toured Europe with the Swiss group the Flamencos.

You can find thr rest of his long cv on his website.


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Introducing …

Erwin MaasErwin Maas, presenter

“For a few months now I have been a presenter at the Concertzender. On weeknights I look after the presentation of the live broadcasts. For my first acquaintance with CZ we have to go back about 10 years. I can still remember sitting at home in Brabant as a child with my ear glued to the radio. The concertzender was simply on the cable in those days. For the first time in my life I heard jazz, a tenacious love of my youth. That same love brought me back again to this broadcaster. When I started to gain more in-
depth knowledge about jazz some years ago, my search took me regularly to
the Concertzender’s archives: an absolute gold mine. Where can you still find something like that?”

» read more

volgende nieuwsbriefNext newsletter

The next newsletter from the Concertzender will appear in December.

In the meantime, go to » our website for the latest news.

Bedankt voor uw steunHelp us to continue broadcasting

Are you a supporter of the Concertzender but not yet a sponsor?
» register as a sponsor or
» make a donation

Dependant on the amount of the donation you will receive:

  • a guided tour of the studio and a chance to meet the progamme makers
  • a cd from the Concertzender featuring Young Dutch Performers
  • 2 tickets for our annual concert and presentation

If you are already a sponsor, perhaps you have friends or colleagues who would also be interested in supporting the Concertzender.

» register your friend for our newsletter and inform him or her of the possibilities to sponsor the Concerzender.


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KimmicGreenhostUPCRTV UtrechtUtrecht MuziekSaltoCultuurfonds