Live in Acoustic Roots: Eric Vaarzon Morel


From 21.00 to 22.00 on Friday 21 November Eric Vaarzon Morel will be our guest in Acoustic Roots. The concert will be recorded in the Pieternel at the Pieterskerk in Utrecht.

Eric Vaarzon Morel (born 1961) is the son of painter Wim Vaarzon Morel and at 16 began studying with Paco Pena at the 7th Rencontre de la guitare in France. He was so inspired that at 19 he moved to Spain, where he lived and workd for 2 years. During the Eighties he toured Europe with the Swiss group the Flamencos.

You can find the rest of his long cv on his website.Eric Vaarzon Morel


As well as being a superbly powerful flamenco guitarist, Eric Vaarzon Morel also composes and arranges. He received excellent reviews for his last theatre project, the opera ‘El Greco’.

On Acoustic Roots you will be able to hear the premiere of
his recently released cd ‘El Aguador’, which translates as 'The Waterbearer'. Eric will play and explain excerpts from it.
The music is based on the eponymous theatre production which will be touring Dutch theatres over the next few months, directed by Diederik
van Vleuten.

It's a solo production based on the following story which Eric will play and recite: “In the 80's a Dutch boy arrives in the very South of Spain, He finds his way along the dusty paths in the blinding light of Andalusia, feels at home in the cafes of Seville and flamenco becomes his language. Once back home, he sees the beauty of the frozen thatched roofs on the Dutch horizon he realises: I am a waterbearer. I want to drench the corked oaks of Andalusia with my guitar music, bring the jasmine trees into bloom and bring the warmth of Spain back to my low-lying homeland. I want to bring water from the clumpy clay of the North to the hot sand of the South and back.”

Eric Vaarzon Morel will also be playing a homage to the great master Paco de Lucia.


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