Concertzender Radio app
available for download!


The Concertzender Radio app for Android and iOS is now available free for download!

The app provides iOS and Android users with classical music, jazz, electronic and world music, clearly organised and easy to find. That is the power of the app: no fuss, simple navigation and large buttons.

De app is both easy to use and complete: theme channels, Radio on Demand, searching in the archive, news, programme guides. It is all available with a few simple actions.Concertzender app

Theme channels

The first time you use the app
it shows you all the theme channels. On subsequent visits your favourites will be shown
at the top of the list.

Live streams during festivals
will also be available in the app.


One button allows you to listen to recent programmes on demand. Older programmes going back to 2006 can be retrieved from the archive
using a search function.

Give it five stars!

If you are pleased with the app, please help us by giving it a good rating in the App Store, This will move the app to a more prominent position in the Radio category, which will bring it to the attention of more potential listeners…

The development of the app has been made possible by financial support from the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds.

The app was designed by Kimmic Concept & Design and was developed by Van der Linden Cultural Services.


CZ partners



KimmicGreenhostUPCRTV UtrechtUtrecht MuziekSaltoCultuurfonds