“All other arts persuade us, but music takes us by surprise.”
Eduard Hanslick (Austrian music critic and author, 1825 - 1904)

This month's prize is a double CD with arrangements of Chopin's music. To capture this CD you will have to give the right answer to the question.
By giving the right answer to the question, you can win the double CD Chopin Piano Sonatas opus 58 & 65, performed by the group Stark/Linneman: Paul Stark, piano; Jonas Linneman, drums; Iman Spaargaren, tenor saxophone, and Vasilis Stefanopoulos, double bass.
Previous competition
The question of July's competition was: Whose themes did Ives use in his 4th violin sonata? The answer was: Ives used themes by his father, George Ives.
The winner is Onno Seegers from Purmerend. Congratulations, the prize has already been sent!
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Concertzender starts series on Caribbean music
Recently, the Caribbean have been all over the news due to the devastating hurricanes Irma and Maria. As it happened, Concertzender had just finished the first recording of a new programme on music from that area: Carib Calling. The programme makers take the listeners on a trip along the musical gems of the Caribbean.
In Carib Calling you will hear music from Suriname, the Caribbean and South America. The series will be hosted by Noraly Beyer, editor and host for the NOS News from 1985 to 2008, and Guilly Koster, programme maker and producer for VPRO, NPS and Human, among others. 
Special guest: Lydia Emanuels
Carib Calling will be a programme featuring a ‘special guest’, who will choose the theme and the music. In the first broadcast on Friday 6 October, Noraly Beyer will welcome Lydia Emanuels. Emanuels has been working for radio from the very beginning. She started working for the Wereldomroep in 1956, for the SRS (Stichting Radio Suriname) from 1970 to 1977, and as a programme maker for the Wereldomroep again until 1985.
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Panorama de Leeuw: Tanglewood (2)
Are you familiar with our programme Panorama de Leeuw yet? Music journalist Thea Derksen leads you through recent music history of contemporary classical music in the Netherlands, inspired by her biography about composer and conductor Reinbert de Leeuw: Reinbert de Leeuw, mens of melodie.
We have come to episode 35 by now. You can listen to previous episodes via our website.
The latest episode takes place in the 1990s in the USA. From 1994 to 1998 De Leeuw is the director of the contemporary music department at the famous summer academy in Tanglewood. De Leeuw changes the accent from academic, so called ‘uptown’ music, to more accessible ‘downtown’ music. We have already considered this in episode 34.
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Concertzender Live on location: Van Swieten Society - Mozart's golden years
Once in a while Concertzender broadcasts live on location. On Monday 16 October from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. there will be another one of these special broadcasts during Concertzender Live.
From 15 to 20 October, the Van Swieten Society and TivoliVredenburg will organize a Mini Mozart-festival. A great chance for us to bring the second concert of the festival live to your living room.
During our live broadcast you will hear the following works by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart:
- Piano quartet KV 478
- Kegelstatt Trio KV 498
- Adagio and Fugue KV 546
- Clarinet quintet KV 581
De Van Swieten Society line-up during this night:
- Heleen Hulst - violin
- Sara DeCorso - violin
- Bernadette Verhagen - viola
- Steuart Pincombe - cello
- Frank van den Brink - clarinet
- Bart van Oort - fortepiano
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500th episode of Bach ad infinitum and a farewell to host Joop van Zijl
Late September we recorded the 500th episode of Bach ad infinitum. A terrific milestone! 
After this 500th episode, Joop van Zijl will leave the programme. We are very grateful he has worked on the programme with us for all those years. Our regular team of programme maker and compiler Govert Jan Bach, host Joop van Zijl and sound engineer Benno Wormgoor had a lot of fun making this programme together.
The final episodes hosted by Joop van Zijl will be broadcasted from 30 October to 3 November from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. All 500 previous episodes are still available online, and you can enjoy our theme channel Bach ad infinitum any hour of the day, hosted by Joop van Zijl!
Next newsletter
The next newsletter from the Concertzender will appear
in November.
In the meantime, go to »
our website for the latest news.
Help us to continue broadcasting
Are you a supporter of the Concertzender but not a
sponsor yet?
» register as a sponsor or
» make a donation.
Depending on the amount of the donation, you will receive:
- a guided tour of the studio and a chance to meet the
programme makers
- a CD from the Concertzender featuring Young Dutch
- 2 tickets for our annual concert and presentation
If you are a sponsor already, perhaps you have friends
or colleagues who would also be interested in supporting the
» register your friends for our newsletter and inform them about the possibilities to sponsor the Concertzender.
