Concertzender has good news for all those who cannot hear enough music
at Easter. Of course, there will be a broadcast of the St Matthew Passion in Bach Ad Infinitum. But there is more music for Easter than the St Matthew Passion. This extra newsletter
gives an overview of all the Easter music that can be heard on the Concertzender.
Bach ad Infinitum: the St Matthew Passion
Bach's St Matthew Passion in a performance led by the Swiss conductor Rudolf Lutz and featuring the choir of the Bach Stiftung Sankt Gallen.
- Evangelist: Charles Daniels, tenor
- Christ: Peter Harvey, bass
- Joanne Lunn, soprano
- Margot Oitzinger, alto
- Wolf Matthias Friedrich, bass
- J.S. Bach Stiftung, St. Gallen
conducted by Rudolf Lutz
Wednesday 23 March, 13:00 – 14:00 CET
Thursday 24 March, 13:00 - 14:00 CET
Friday 25 March, 13:00 - 14:00 CET
Concertzender Live: Via Crucis / Le Chemin de la Croix
On 10, 11 and 12 March a series of 3 concerts took place in
the Orgelpark in Amsterdam in which 3 different musical interpretations
of the Stations of the Cross were performed.The recordings of these concerts are broadcast on 24 and 28 March.
Franz Liszt originally wrote Via Crucis
for mixed choir and soloists accompanied by piano or organ. He himself
later made a piano transcription which can also be
played on the organ.
Willem Brons played this piano version before the interval in
programme which also included works by Bach and Beethoven. In Pianoatelier on
7th April (14:00 - 15:00 CET) he'll discuss the work together with Annemiek Klijberg.
Marcel Dupré chose for a full organ version and this was played on 11th March. Dupré didn't actually call his piece Via Crucis, but chose the French Le Chemin de la Croix. Just like Liszt, Dupré follows the 14 stations of the walk with the Cross. Ben
van Oosten plays this on the organ.
In Concertzender Live on Thurday 24 March you can listen to:
- Franz Liszt - Via Crucis
Willem Brons, piano
- Marcel Dupré - Le Chemin de la Croix
Ben van Oosten, organ
Recording engineer: Bert van Dijk.
Concertzender Live, Thursday 24 March 20:00 - 22:00 CET
Concertzender Live: Exercitium Santae Viae Crucis
For the last concert in the series about the Stations
of the Cross in the Orgelpark, Andries van Rossem (Arnhem,
1957) was asked to compose a
new work. In Concertzender Live you can hear the première of his Exercitium Santae Viae Crucis (2016).
- Andries van Rossem - Exercitium Santae Viae Crucis (commission Orgelpark Amsterdam)
Consensus Vocalis led by Klaas Stok;
Erwin Wiersinga, organ.
Recording engineer: Bert van Dijk
Concertzender Live, Monday 28 March
20:00 - 22:00 CET
Concertzender Live: St Mark Passion
In Concertzender Live on Good Friday, 25 March 19:00 – 21:00
CET, we are broadcasting a reconstruction by Jörn Boysen of Bach’s St
Marks Passion.
The performance by Cantus Thuringia and Musica Poëtica
took place in the Lutheran Church in The Hague in early March 2016. According
to his son Carl Philipp Emanuel,
Johann Sebastian Bach composed five
passions. Unfortunately three of these have been lost and only the St Matthew Passion and the St John Passion are still known by the general public.
There was however also a St Mark Passion.
The libretto for this passion was included in Picanders Ernstschertzhaffte und Satÿrische Gedichte.
Some of the music could also be reconstructed, but the music for the
recitatives, several of the chorales and one of the aria’s was lost
In 2010 the organisation Musica Antica da
Camera commissioned Jörn Boysen to compose new music for these missing
parts. The complete passion has since been performed all over the world.
German press wrote: “Finally a more convincing alternative to the
earlier reconstructions. It even compares favourably with Bach’s St
Matthew Passion and
St John Passion”. » read more
Next newsletter
The next newsletter from the Concertzender will appear
in April.
In the meantime, go to »
our website for the latest news.
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