Concertzender Live: St Mark Passion


In Concertzender Live on Good Friday, 25 March 19:00 – 21:00 CET, we are broadcasting a reconstruction by Jörn Boysen of Bach’s St Marks Passion. The performance by Cantus Thuringia
and Musica Poëtica took place in the Lutheran Church in The
Hague in early March 2016.

According to his son Carl Philipp Emanuel, Johann Sebastian Bach composed five passions. Unfortunately three of these have been lost and only the St Matthew
and the St John Passion are still known by the general public.

There was however also a St Mark Passion. The libretto for this passion was
included in Picanders Ernstschertzhaffte und Satÿrische Gedichte. Some of the
music could also be reconstructed, but the music for the recitatives, several of
the chorales and one of the aria’s was lost completely.

In 2010 the organisation Musica Antica da Camera commissioned Jörn Boysen to compose new music for these missing parts. The complete passion has since been performed all over the world.

The German press wrote: “Finally a more convincing alternative to the earlier reconstructions. It even compares favourably with Bach’s St Matthew Passion and
St John Passion”.

Musica Antica perfomed the St Mark Passion by Bach/Boysen on 3, 4 and 5 March
in The Hague, Voorschoten en Amsterdam.

Musica PoeticaThe Concertzender was in the
Lutheran Church in The Hague and made the recording that is broadcast in this extra edition of Concertzender Live.


  • Evangelist: Benjamin Glaubitz, tenor
  • Jesus: Julian Redlin, bass
  • Anna Kellnhofer, soprano
  • Stefan Kunath, alto
  • Guillaume Olry, bass
  • Cantus Thuringia and Musica Poëtica led by Jörn Boysen, harpsichord


St Mark Passion part 1: Friday 25 March 2016, 19:00 – 20:00 CET

St Mark Passion part 2: Friday 25 March 2016, 20:00 – 21:00 CET



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KimmicGreenhostZiggoRTV UtrechtUtrecht MuziekSaltoCultuurfonds