Readers, listeners,
“Music is the best means we have of digesting time”
W.H. Auden (1907-1973)
This month you can win a cd of Sandro Ivo Bartoli if you know the answer to
our question.
Last month’s question was: Who was the first
to commission a band in Belgium and in which year did that happen?
The answer is: King Leopold I, in 1832.
The happy winner is: Eric Jager from Lochem. Congratulations!
This month’s question
In which period did Girolamo Frescobaldi visit
the Southern Netherlands?
What can you win?
The cd ‘The Frescobaldi Legacy’ together with transcripts by Respighi, Bauer and Reicha, among others, and performed by pianist Sandro Ivo Bartoli (Briljant
Classics 9417).
» read more
New Classical Music Co-ordinator
The Concertzender has a new Classical
Music co-ordinator: Robbert Jan de Neve.
Robbert Jan has been a producer with Concertzender for some time now. He was interviewed in our Newsletter of February
2014. You can read the article again here.
On the look-out for Broadcasting Technicians!
The Concertzender is regularly looking for new volunteers.
Currently we are on the look-out for technicians who are able to take care of the technique during live-broadcasts. A challenging job, however, a very attractive
one! You can find more info on the Concertzender’s website.
CD of the month: Jeroen van Vliet - Wait
Producer Jan Verwey (see: Introducing …) has chosen ‘Wait’ by Jeroen van Vliet, BUMA/Boy Edgar Price Winner 2014, as CD for this month.
Label: Challenge Records, 2013
Comment on the album by Jan Verwey: “This solo-CD by pianist/composer Jeroen van Vliet
is a feast for the ear. His lyrical method of playing, which is praised on all sides, is very prominent on this CD. The CD is exclusively
filled with his own compositions, and should
you not know who is playing, names like Keith Jarret, Maria Schneider come to mind, or in the classical genre even Satie or Chopin.
One thing
is clear: there is a passionate solo-
artist at work here, one who does not want to stamp his mark by technique or speed, but rather by character, atmosphere and musicality instead.
It is also remarkable that he added sampling to the sound of the piano, by which
he created a full-bodied, reverbish sound, which is wholly in tune with the
approach of his compositions. His previous album `The Poet’, a piano-trio album, also had some of that atmosphere. Jeroen won this year’s BUMA/Boy Edgar prize
for good reason. It was an appropriate decision of the jury, who, among other things, praised him for the creativity in his compositions. The same applies to the current cd, they are genuine masterpieces.”
Lirio live in Acoustic Roots
Lirio can be heard live in Acoustic Roots on Friday evening, 19 September
2014 from 21.00-22.00. The recording takes place in the library of the St. Pieterskerk in Utrecht.
The band Lirio is mainly known for its live performances. The warm sounds of acoustic instruments together with the enthusiastic approach of the band give a new impetus to the European tradition of dance music. The trio brings European and Dutch balfolk, whereby it makes use of the original compositions with catching melodies.
Balfolk is music played on live dance nights.
The music can consist of western European dances, like the ones played on Irish and Scottish dance-
nights (also called céilídh)
and dances from the bal populaire in France.
The performance contains couple-dances as
well as group-dances, i.e. mazurka, jig, or
cercle. There is a lot of interaction between dancers and musicians, which makes balfolk playful, enjoyable and attractive.
Look also on the website:
» read more
New series: The historic foundation of TivoliVredenburg
Utrecht is no Vienna, Paris or London, it is no metropolis. And yet, during the summer of 2014, it was the city that opened the doors of TivoliVredenburg. TivoliVredenburg has as much as five concert halls and is therefore the most ambitious musical undertaking in the Netherlands and
its surroundings. Such cheek! In a city which
is averse to making a song and dance about anything and never puts on airs. Where did Utrecht find the guts? Has the fourth city of
the country gone mad?
Future will tell, but if it is true that history repeats itself there is every reason to
approach that future with confidence.
After all Utrecht can pride itself on its rich
past as Music City of International Substance. And on that historic foundation TivoliVredenburg can continue to build.
» read more
Introducing …
Jan Verwey, producer and presenter of Holland Jazz
Jan Verwey is both producer and presenter of Holland Jazz. This programme is broadcast live every first and third Saturday of the month from 19.00-20.00. Lon van den Akker is in charge of the technique.
“At the time I was asked by Willem van Manen, the jazz co-ordinator. Before that I had had
one hour of jazz with Radio Veronica. For two years
I worked with colleagues like Tineke de Nooy,
Ad Bouwman and other celebrities. Unfortunately for me they only continued with pop music. And ultimately they were much better at that. Holland Jazz is a programme in which I play Dutch jazz exclusively. It is all home-produced as well.
I have been doing so since 2005, i.e. for nine years. And with a lot of pleasure as well.”
» read more
Next newsletter
The next newsletter from the Concertzender will appear
in October.
In the meantime, go to »
our website for the latest news.
Help us to
continue broadcasting
Are you a supporter of the Concertzender but not yet a
» register as a sponsor or
» make a donation.
Dependant on the amount of the donation you will receive:
- a guided tour of the studio and a chance to meet the
progamme makers
- a cd from the Concertzender featuring Young Dutch
- 2 tickets for our annual concert and presentation
If you are already a sponsor, perhaps you have friends
or colleagues who would also be interested in supporting the
» register your friend for our newsletter and inform him or her of the possibilities to sponsor the Concerzender.
