Readers, listeners,
Too much beauty can only be tolerated in moderation.
Gerrit Komrij
(from the collection ‘Humeuren en temperamenten’)
This month you can win a CD with piano sonatas by Franz Schubert if you can answer our question correctly. The
question last month was: Erich Wolfgang Korngold incorporated
themes out
of which four films in his Violin concerto in D? The correct
answer was: Another Dawn, Juarez, The Prince and the Pauper and Anthony
Adverse.  The
winner is Wim van Dam from Drievliet.
He wins the Super Audio
CD from the label Pentatone (Pentatone PTC 5186503) with
the Violin
concerto from Max Bruch, ‘Poème’
from Ernest Chausson and
the Violin concerto from Erich Wolfgang Korngold. The
is performed by Arabella Steinbacher (violin)
and the Orquestra
Gulbenkian conducted by Lawrence Foster.
This month's question What name is given to
the Piano sonata D 840 from Franz Schubert? The entries with
correct answer have a chance of winning the
CD with the
recording of the Piano sonata
D 850 by the pianist Shai
Wosner on the Onyx label (Onyx 4073).
» read more
Acoustic Roots with Linde Nijland
Friday 21 February (21:00 - 22:00) the folk singer
and singer-
songwriter Linde Nijland is the guest in
the live programme Acoustic
Roots, togther with the multi-instrumentalist Bert Ridderbos.
Nijland is the best-known folk singer in
the Netherlands. She has a
crystal-clear voice and sings songs in the style of English, Irish
American folk music. Linde began her career at an early age, as
one half of the duo Ygdrassil. She performed with Ygdrassil for 15
years and made 5 albums. She has performed solo since 2007,
accompanied by
multi-instrumentalist Bert Ridderbos, sometimes in combination
with other artists (including Iain Matthews and Fred Piek).
succesful homage to the British singer Sandy Denny (‘Linde Nijland
sings Sandy Denny’) attrac-
ted the attention of the
American producer Joe Boyd, who asked her to sing in
a reunion
concert of the legendary group Fairport Convention in the Barbican
in London in 2009.
» read more
CD of the month: Requiem – Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
This month Robbert Jan de Neeve (see ‘Introducing...’) has chosen the CD
of the month.

recordings from 1991 have been re-
mastered and resissued by the
label Alia Vox (AVSA9880). On the recording, early music
specialist Jordi Savall turns his attention to
this well-known piece
by Mozart. Robbert Jan
de Neeve gives the following reason for
selecting this CD: “The interesting thing
about this interpretation is
that Jordi Savall approaches the piece in the same way as he
perfoms early music. Everything is direct and
to the point, which adds
another dimension.”
Mozarts Requiem
Capella Reial de Catalunya. Le Concert des Nations conducted by Jordi
Savall. Montserrat Figueras (soprano), Claudia
Schubert (alto), Gerd
Türk (tenor), Stephan Schreckenberger (bass).
About Perestrojka
March we will broadcast the last programme in the series Perestrojka.
This series has been made by Arthur Olof, who is also a director at the
We talked to him about his love of Russian music.
special interest in Russia began during secondary
school. Initially with Russian literature and history. I
wrote a report about
the Russian Revolution for history and read all the plays
by Tsjechov
and the novels by Toergenjev, Poesjkin en Gogolj. Later on I also read
the novels by Tolstoj and Dostojevski. After leaving school I
studied Slavic languages
in Leiden, that was in 1976, the time
Karel van het Reve was a professor there. Unfortunately, I did not
graduate because I failed Old Church Slavonic, but that had more
to do
with my personal situation. However, one of my best friends at that
was a music student who introduced me to the music of
Sjostakovisj, and that
was the start of a love that has continued to
this day.”
» read more
World music nights live
The Concertzender has recorded many concerts with world
music over the years. And world music covers such a large area
and includes so many styles that we now have shelves that are
full of recordings of exceptional concerts from the Middle East, the
Mediterranean, Africa, South America, India and the Arab world.
We started broadcasting these concerts again on the 8 November 2013,
on the second weekend of the month, in the night from Saturday to
Sunday from 00:00
to 07:00, with a repeat a week later. This
gives you the chance to hear the full recordings of these concerts.
And, as usual, the broadcasts are also then
available on the website to
listen to on demand. 
8 February: ‘Yiddish Night Live II’
On Saturday night 8 February from 00:00 to 07:00 we will be
broadcasting Yiddish Night
Live part II with Frank London (trumpet),
Lorin Sklamberg (vocals) en Rob Schwimmer (piano), Man Bites Dog, the
Amsterdam Klezmer Band, The Krakau Klezmer Band, and the Klezmatics.
» read more
New on the Concertzender: Het Klankcafé, Pure Classical and Madge-point!
In January and February the following new programmes are starting on
the Concertzender: Het Klankcafé, Madge-point and Pure Classical.
Het Klankcafé
Broadcasts: Tuesday 25 February | Tuesday
25 March | Tuesday 22
April | Tuesday 20 May
Tuesday 24 June, all from 18:00 - 19:00
The young savages from the Concertzender! Starting in February, on the third Tuesday of every month:
a programme full of different musical styles, but always with classical
as the basis. Presented by Louis Gauthier and Gerhardt, from Arti et Amicitiae in Amsterdam.
» read more
Robbert Jan de Neeve: programme maker classical music
Jan started as a programme maker at the Concertzender at the
end of
last year. He worked for many years in different functions concerned with the promotion of classical music in the
Netherlands before retiring several years ago.
Pure Classical
make the weekly programme ‘Pure Classical’, which features only music from the Classical period, the period
from 1750 to 1830.
I select the music, write the text for
the programme and perform all the associated administrative tasks. In
fact, this is the work
that all the programme makers do.”
Volunteer work
first got into contact with Sem de Jongh,
the director of the
Concertzender, via LinkedIn.
That was in November last year. I has
ly worked with him a few times during my period
at Classic
FM and he asked me if I was interes-
ted in making programmes again. And
that is what has happened. I like the idea of volunteer work and this
allows me to make my experience with radio and music available to
the Concert-
» read more
Next newsletter
The next newsletter from the Concertzender will appear in March.
In the meantime, go to » our website for the latest news.
Help us to continue broadcasting
Are you a supporter of the Concertzender but not yet a sponsor?
» register as a sponsor or
» make a donation.
Dependant on the amount of the donation you will receive:
- a guided tour of the studio and a chance to meet the progamme makers
- a cd from the Concertzender featuring Young Dutch Performers
- 2 tickets for our annual concert and presentation
you are already a sponsor, perhaps you have friends or colleagues who
would also be interested in supporting the Concertzender.
» register your friend for our newsletter and inform him or her of the possibilities to sponsor the Concerzender.
