New on the Concertzender: Het Klankcafé, Pure Classical and Madge-point!


In January and February the following new programmes are
starting on the Concertzender: Het Klankcafé, Madge-point!
and Pure Classical.

KlankcafeHet Klankcafé

Broadcasts: Tuesday 25 February | Tuesday 25 March | Tuesday 22 April | Tuesday 20 May | Tuesday 24 June, all from 18:00 - 19:00

The young savages from the Concertzender! Starting in February, on the third Tuesday
of every month: a programme
full of different musical styles,
but always with classical music as the basis.
Presented by Louis Gauthier and Gerhardt, from Arti et Amicitiae in Amsterdam.

Pure Classical

Broadcasts: weekly on Friday, 15:00 - 16:00

Every Friday afternoon Robbert Jan de Neeve (see also: ‘Introducing...’) presents
a programme with music from the Classical period, from 1750 to 1830.


Broadcasts: fortnightly on Sunday morning, 10:00 - 11:00

Presenter Louis Thörig talks
together with the pianist Geoffrey Madge about
classical composers such as Rachmaninov and Medtner.

A Sunday morning feeling at
the Concertzender.
Madge-point! Don't miss it.


CZ partners

KimmicGreenhostUPCRTV UtrechtVredenburgSaltoConclusion