Dear reader,
The shortest day of the year is behind us and so the days are once more becoming longer. That is a positive development. Another one is the fact that one of our programs has won the Salto Award!
And to continue in that positive vein: Hans Onno van den Berg has become our new chairman. He is following in the footsteps of Ruud Königel, who was able to accept this position on a temporary basis due to other commitments. Meet Hans in “Introducing’... . 
Hans Onno wishes Concertzender a prosperous 2012: “Since the end of 2010, Concertzender has exceeded all expectations and has triumphed in the face of adversity. In Amsterdam, the station went through a veritable resurrection. This is thanks to the incredible commitment of all of those involved in Concertzender, including: program makers, presentors, technicians, coordinators, management, etc. They are inextricably bound by their passionate love for music. I wish Concertzender a 2012 in which the Phoenix not only shakes her feathers in amazement (‘I’m still alive’), but with a fresh Utrecht wind under her wings dares to dream of new horizons.”
You can also read about the Reincken Festival. In mid January you can listen to recordings of this festival which took place in May, 2011.
Last but not least we reveal the winners of and the correct answers to the last prize question contest. In January there will not be a prize question.
Friendly greetings,
Reincken Festival concert recordings broadcast in January
Concertzender Live will feature two concert recordings from the Reincken Festival in Deventer.
This early music festival took place in May, 2011 with ’Hanze en Bourgondië’ as theme.

On Sunday January 15 from 04.00 to 05.00 pm CET you can listen to the ensemble Aventure, led by recorder player Ida Hijmans. Aventure plays music by Oswald von Wolkenstein (ca. 1376-1445), an important composer from the early German Renaissance. Von Wolkenstein travelled extensively through Europe and told the story of his travels through more than 130 compositions. They also perform music from the Gruuthuse manuscript. This collective manuscript (1395-1408) contains 147 hymns, 18 poems and 7 rhymed prayers.
» read more about Aventure in our weblog Concertzender Live

Fala Musica
On Sunday, January 22 at 04.00 - 05.00 pm CET listen to the ensemble Fala Musica led by recorder player Maurice van Lieshout. Fala Musica performs Burgundy compositions from the early 15th century. For this performance the ensemble uses German intavolations. In an intavolation the song is the starting point for an instrumental composition.
» check out our weblog Concertzender Live for more info about Fala Musica
Introducing Hans Onno van den Berg – chairman CZ
“I have known Concertzender since its conception. Jan Wolff (founder Concertzender) and Sieuwert Verster (Orchestra of the 18th Century) are friends of mine. Right at the beginning I made a program for the NOS called ‘Talking about Music’, which was an in-depth portrait of the new station with then director Aad van Nieuwkerk.
At that time, Concertzender was located above café De Kroon on the Rembrandtplein in Amsterdam. Already 25 years ago I was deeply impressed by the quiet but passionate conviction and dedication of more than 150 volunteers who worked for Concertzender, many of whom had a music specialty. There were collectors, sometimes owners of unique record collections. There were also technicians and presentors of the highest calibre, all there every hour on the hour.”
Still a great deal of admiration
“Now, 25 years later, Concertzender has moved 5 times, almost gone under 3 times and has managed to surface against all odds. And the program makers still make top-notch radio without ado, the technicians go out to record live concerts and to do the broadcasts, and the presentors still do their work in the same, time-worn booth. I love listening to this station with just as much admiration for often the same volunteers who were there at the start, but also for the new ones.”
Broadcasts on internet
“For the past 11 years I was director of the Association of Schouwburg and Concertgebouw directorates (VSCD). I was much more involved in the organisation of concerts at the 12 concert buildings in the association than I was in the recording or broadcasting of these. In this period I saw how Paradiso and the Concertgebouw, among others, tried to broadcast their concerts via Fabchannel on internet, but how these efforts became hopelessly mired down in a bog of incomprehension from the music industry.”
Concertzender expansion
“At the beginning of 2011 my predecessor at CZ, Ruud Königel, asked me to join the board. After his departure in November I became the new chairman of Concertzender. Thanks to the enormous efforts of the directorate and management before me, Concertzender has succeeded in once more gaining more or less solid ground under her feet. Furthermore, there is the positive new collaboration with Conclusion and Vredenburg. That gives Concertzender a good starting position to further expand her horizons.”
“Because that is what I want to contribute from the board; to expand the station with more broadcasting scope and thus offer more listeners a chance to tune in, listen to us, tell us what they think of us and to support us financially. So that we have more room to do what we are good at: bringing unique music to a wider audience. And can we set in motion with Vredenburg what Fabchannel started 10 years ago?”
“Since September 2011 I work independently to provide supporting services for stage productions and art institutions, such as administration and building management. I also write articles, for example about the difference between sport and art (art is healthier), the reason for the cuts in art funding, or about the changes in copyright. To read more, check out » my website.”
Prize question
This month we are will not feature a prize question contest. The winners and answers of of December’s prize question can be found below.
This time there are two winners:
- Joop Maas - Berkel-Enschot
- Wim van Noort - Utrecht
Your prizes are on their way. Congratulations!
Theme night eclecticism wins the Salto Award 2011
'Eclecticism (in music)' by Gerard Meulenberg and Hessel Veldman has won the Salto Award 2011. Hessel accepted the prize on Dec. 9, 2010.
When Concertzender settled in MuzyQ in Amsterdam in 2009, all parties involved wanted to gain a clear insight into the continuing validity and future of the station. Concertzender offers a unique platform to those who compose, perform and publish music with heart and soul. And that platform needed a ‘face lift’. This was the reason why Gerard Meulenberg, editor-in-chief contemporary music and Hessel Veldman, editor-in-chief of Crosslinks, began to produce regular theme nights.
During their first live theme night in December 2010, Gerard and Hessel provided the adventurous contemporary music magazine ‘Gonzo (circus)’ with the opportunity to present itself. Furthermore, the artists featured in the magazine introduced themselves to the listeners. Six different musicians and composers were featured.
In March, 2011 Gerard and Hessel provided a platform for Seb Bassleer (collector, author and DJ), piano player Michiel Braam and singer Edward Ka Spel based on the theme ‘Eclecticism’.
This was followed in June by the theme ‘I love…’, with as featured guests, singer Beatrice van der Poel and drum talent Onno Govaert. At the end of September flute player Anna Stegmann, visual sound artist Edward Janssen and the elektronica specialists Andrea Taeggi and Koenraad Ecker were placed in the spotlight.
SALTO is the broadcasting authority for local networks in Amsterdam and supervises 3 TV and 7 radio channels. During the presentation of the SALTO Awards all programs makers were given attention. Those who made the best programs during the past season were given the SALTO award. Concertzender congratulates its very own Gerard and Hessel with this wonderful award!
» listen to the award winning program with Seb Bassleer: ‘Eclecticisme. Theme night; live from MuzyQ in Amsterdam’
Foto’s: Ernie Buts 2011 (c)
Next newsletter
The next Concertzender will appear in February.
Keep an eye on » our website for the latest news.
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