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narcissenThe Concertzender in April: idiosyncratic programming from all angles

T.S. Eliot once wrote "April is the cruellest month" - but not for Concertzender listeners, who can enjoy so much idiosyncratic programming!

There is also news for the coming month from all kinds of different angles: jazz, contemporary, and crosslinks. We celebrate some nice anniversaries and put a spotlight on multitalent Samuel Andreyev.



Saturday April 20

Theme: Jazz


250 times Duke Ellington

Saturday, April 20th, will be the 250th broadcast of the Duke Ellington programme on the Concertzender.

Louis TavecchioNine years ago, Louis Tavecchio started his programme for the Concertzender. He was 69 years old and had been a great admirer of the American composer, orchestra leader and pianist Edward Kennedy 'Duke' Ellington for 50 years. During that nine-year period he performed his music, largely drawing from his extensive Ellington collection.

Ellington's development as a musician and composer in the period 1926 - 1973 is not only impressive because of the quality and quantity of compositions and recordings. Due to the wide range, in which he regularly went off the beaten path of the strict 'jazz' idiom, he became known to a larger audience. In the 250th broadcast, Louis talks about his passion and plays some of his favorite Duke Ellington recordings.

Listen: Duke Ellington, Saturday April 20th, 15:00 - 16:00 CET.


On demand

Theme: Crosslinks


Rewire festival 2024

On the Concertzender website you can find a lot of recordings of the Rewire festival. This year again, Rewire presents a broad programme with a focus on contemporary electronic music, neo-classical music, new jazz, experimental pop, sound art and multidisciplinary collaborations. Go see/hear it live if you can, from Thursday April 4th to Sunday April 7th. Unfortunately we will not be making any recordings at the festival this year.

logo Rewire 2024A small selection from what's on offer during Rewire: Ben Frost, Jenny Hval, GOAT (from Japan), Sunn O))), Autechre and Oneothrix Point Never. Besides all the 'big names' the festival also presents many lesser known, but prominent artists. See the entire programme at www.rewirefestival.nl.

Also listen to our Cape Gonzo broadcast of Wednesday March 13th, featuring Rewire 2024.

Earlier on the Concertzender
The MAZE Ensemble is scheduled mutiple times during Rewire, as is Annea Lockwood. In our Concertzender Live broadcast of Monday October 17th 2022 you can listen to a recording made in Den Bosch, where MAZE performs a composition by Lockwood.

Read more (in Dutch)


Wednesday April 10

Theme: Contemporary Music


Multitalent Samuel Andreyev in Theme

Samuel AndreyevThe Theme programme on April 10th covers around the composer, singer-songwriter, poet, teacher, interviewer and podcast maker Samuel Andreyev. We believe that someone with such an impressive CV deserves to be better known, which is why we dedicate this broadcast of Theme to Andreyev.

Samuel Andreyev was born in 1981, in the Canadian province of Ontario. At the age of five he started taking violin classes. At the Conservatoire royal de musique de Toronto he studied cello, oboe and composition. From 2003 to 2005 he studied composition under Allain Gaussin at the conservatory of Savran in France and subsequently from 2006 onwards under Frédéric Durieux at the Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse de Paris.

He currently teaches at the Strasbourg Center of the University of Syracuse and the Hochschule für Musik in Freiburg.

Read more (in Dutch)

Listen: Theme, Wednesday April 10th, 20:00 - 22:00 CET.


Saturday April 13

Theme: Jazz


A tribute to jazz musician Sarah Vaughan

The broadcast of Vocal Jazz on April 13th at 6 p.m. will focus on Sarah Vaughan, who was born 100 years ago.

Sarah VaughanVaughan herself had little interest in being called a jazz vocalist, as she said: “What I want to do, music-wise, is all kinds of music that I like, and I like all kinds of music.” Moreover it has been repeatedly said by experts that she could just as easily have had a career as an opera singer. She was gifted with a beautiful, strong voice with lots of colour and a wide range.

Sarah Lois Vaughan was born on March 27th, 1924 in Newark, New Jersey. She became one of the best (and for many jazz fans “the best”) vocalists of her generation. She was also an excellent pianist and started performing at a club in Newark as a teenager. Her first vocal recording dates from 1944, together with Billy Eckstine's band (where she was hired as a second pianist).

The celebration of Sarah's 100th birthday on the Concertzender starts in that year: 1944. This is followed by the career of “Sassy” and “The Divine One” up to and including her last recording in 1987.

Listen: Vocal Jazz, Saturday April 13th, 18:00 - 19:00 CET.



Theme: General


Shout out for the World of Jazz

Concertzender studioWill you help let all jazz and world music lovers know where they can hear their favourite music from April 30th, 2024? That's when the Concertzender will launch a new main channel: World of Jazz!

We are conducting research to find out how we can make this new channel as accessible as possible for our listeners. For this we would like to speak to as many listeners as possible.

So, do you enjoy listening to jazz and would you like to contribute to the accessibility of the Concertzender? Then we would love to speak to you. Register via cocreatie@concertzender.nl.



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Editorial staff:
Louise van Heerebeek
Silvie Hermsen
David Young
Tim Newman
Coding and design:
Ronald Visser


Next newsletter

The next Concertzender newsletter will (likely) appear late April / early May.

In the meantime, go to our website for the latest news


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