Dear reader,
Happy new year! We wish you a musical 2011. The Concertzender will contribute by broadcasting a wide variety of unique, top-notch music. We will also be available on cable at even more locations this year and will be recording and broadcasting a choice variety of live concerts.
In this edition you will read who won our first prize question contest and what the new prize question will be. We will also introduce you to our new classical music coordinator, Sanne Bijker, and you will find a listening tip from the editors.
We wish you pleasant reading.
the Concertzender
Editor’s Tip [1]: Ear Witness (Oorgetuige)
Program maker Arthur Olof recommends: ‘Everything in remembrance of you’ (‘Alles ter nagedachtenis aan jou’).
This program can be heard »January 10 from 08:00 to 10:00 PM CET.
In our series about Russian music from the 20th century the nomad camp arrives in post-revolution Russia. In the 30th episode we feature composers who played a pivotal role shortly after the revolution and who were often involved in the internationally orientated Association for Contemporary Music (ASM). At the end of the ‘20’s they fell due to the rise of the new generation of ‘proletarian musicians’.
Nikolai Roslavets
One of these was the significant modernist and cosmopolitan thinker, Nicholai Roslavets. He fought for professionalism and was co-founder of the ASM. In his publications he battled against the vulgar identifications of art with ideology. That cost him almost everything. The proletarian musicians had already branded him as a contra-revolutionary, bourgeois, and class enemy at the end of 1920. The ‘Roslavets case’ led to public penitence and his practically being banned to Tasjkent, Oezbedkistan, where he died in 1944 after 2 severe heart attacks.
In spite of much opposition, in 1989 the musicologist Marina Lobanova discovered the manuscript of Roslavets’ 1st violin concert from 1925, which was deemed to be lost. The violinist Tatyana Grindenko performed the concert in Moscow in the same year.
Line of poetry
‘Everything in remembrance of you….’ This line of poetry by Alexander Pushkin from 1825 was used by the poet Anna Akhmatova as a motto for her ‘Northern Elegies’ a cycle of poetry which she wrote during one of the most difficult periods of Russia and herself, between 1940-1955.
» read more background material pertaining to this broadcast
» listen to earlier episodes of Ear Witness
Prize Question
Do you know the answer to the following question? Email your answer for a chance to win a CD!
First here is the answer to the previous prize question: “At which 2 locations will David Fray be giving concerts in the near future?” The correct answer is:
- 28 nov. 2010 Concertgebouw, Amsterdam
- 1 dec. 2010 Musis Sacrum, Arnhem.
The winners are:
- Joop Maas uit Berkel-Enschot
- Ton Sondag uit Rotterdam
New Prize Question 
Firstly, the prize! A CD with ‘An Ode on the Death of Mr. Henry Purcell’ by John Blow and ‘Songs’ by Henry Purcell
- performers: Carlos Mena & countertenor Damien Guillon
- the Ricercar Consort led by Philippe Pierlot (Mirare MIR 109)
How can you win?
We will choose one winner per lottery. The winner will be notified:
- 14 days after the publication of this newsletter
- in an e-mail to the winner
- through a news item on » our website
- in the February newsletter in the Prize Question column
This column is made possible thanks to the generosity of several record labels. They kindly provide us with the winning CD’s, DVD’s and concert tickets.
Sanne Bijker, coordinator classical music and program maker 
“Since Oct. I am the coordinator of the Concertzender’s classical Wednesday evening. Together with Egbert Randewijk we make the programs. I also bring new program makers to the Concertzender: people with unique specialties who have lost their hearts to a particular composer or ensemble. Putting this all together provides a colorful basis for the programs. I also make programs for “Concertzender Live.”
“I work as a cellist in the » Cello8ctet Amsterdam and freelance in other ensembles. I will be giving concerts on the following dates:
- January 27: solo performance during the Evening of Poetry in the Synagogue of Lochem
- January 28: Ibert concert for cello and wind instruments with the Utrechts Blazers Ensemble led by Jussi Jaatinen, in the Amstelkerk Amsterdam
- January 29: Ibert concert for cello and wind instruments with the Utrechts Blazers Ensemble led by Jussi Jaatinen, in the Geertekerk Utrecht
- February 6 in the afternoon: recital with pianist Froukje Degenaar in Moergestel
- February 6 in the evening: concert with » Cello8ctet Amsterdam in the Toonzaal in Den Bosch”
Producing radio
“I got my BA in Utrecht, and my Masters in Amsterdam. That is also where I took a course in producing radio in 2008-2009. In 2009 I made several programs for that course, for the Young Professionals Live series of the Concertzender. That is how I came into contact with the Concertzender.”
“I think the Concertzender is excellent because there is so much room for broadcasting live concerts. Not just the familiar repertory but also unique, extraordinary performances. Because all of the Concertzender’s programs are available through the internet it means that the listener has access to a huge audio library of both familiar and unfamiliar music (CD’s and live concerts). As a musician I am happy that concerts are preserved this way and that they are available to everyone.”
Mountain Climbing
“Aside from playing the cello, what I love to do most is mountain climbing: conquering the tops, crossing glaciers, and undertaking magnificent alpine journeys on the roof of the world!”
February newsletter
The next Concertzender newsletter will appear in February.
Keep an eye on » our website for the latest news items.
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Global music for a global audience!
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As a Friend you will receive the monthly e-zine and, depending on the type of donation:
- a guided tour of the studio
- a CD made by the Concertzender, entitled Young Dutch Performers
- 2 tickets for a yearly concert and lecture
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