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Newsletter June '14


Readers, listeners,

‘I like beautiful melodies telling me terrible things.’

Tom Waits, singer/songwriter.



This month you can win the CD 'Songs of quest and inspiration' with songs by Songs of quest and inspirationCyrill Scott and Ralph Vaughan Williams.

The question last month was: Who wrote a novel about the pianist Youri Egorov and what is the title of that novel? The correct answer was Jan Brokken, 'In the House of the Poet'. The winner was Frans van Medevoort from Bakhuizen. His prize was the 10 CD box-set by Youri Egorov (Et'cetera KTC 1469).

This month's question

What is the name of the group of composers
that included Cyril Scott?

What can you win?

This month you can win the CD 'Songs of quest and inspiration' with songs by Cyrill Scott and Ralph Vaughan Williams. The songs are per-
formed by Robbert Muuse and Micha van Weers (Challenge Classics CC 72527).

» read more

The Concertzender is moving!

No doubt you have already noticed that the Concertzender is currently broad-
casting repeats of some of our old programmes. This is the result of the move
of our studios and offices to a new location in Utrecht and will continue until
26 June. We will then again start broadcasting new programmes.Theater Kikker

The studio has been dismantled and is being relocated to the building that is used by
Theater Kikker on the Ganzenmarkt in Utrecht. Our new neighbours there will also include the organisations behind the SPRING Festival and the Liszt Concours. It really couldn't be much better for us!

If you want to contact us during the move you are advised to do so via info@concertzender.nl.

Our new adress will be:
Ganzenmarkt 14
3512 GD Utrecht

Telephone number: 030 – 231 20 96.

The radio programmes will continue to be broadcast on the usual channels!


volgende nieuwsbriefNext newsletter

The next newsletter from the Concertzender will appear in July.

In the meantime, go to » our website for the latest news.

Bedankt voor uw steunHelp us to continue broadcasting

Are you a supporter of the Concertzender but not yet a sponsor?
» register as a sponsor or
» make a donation

Dependant on the amount of the donation you will receive:

  • a guided tour of the studio and a chance to meet the progamme makers
  • a cd from the Concertzender featuring Young Dutch Performers
  • 2 tickets for our annual concert and presentation

If you are already a sponsor, perhaps you have friends or colleagues who would also be interested in supporting the Concertzender.

» register your friend for our newsletter and inform him or her of the possibilities to sponsor the Concerzender.


CZ partners



KimmicGreenhostUPCRTV UtrechtVredenburgSaltoConclusion