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Newsletter December '13


A tip from the Sint:

You can listen to Bach

ad Infinitum.

But end the day

with a quartet from Haydn!


In this newsletter you can read about some of the music that the Concertzender will be broadcasting in December.

Happy holidays!


Jubilee Concertzender

When this newsletter arrives in your mail-box the jubilee celebrations will be over and the holidays will be approaching.

But while we were writing it, we were still busy with the preparations for the
jubilee weekend. A weekend full of surprises with live music, interviews, ‘Instant composing’ and more.

Don't worry if you missed the live broadcasts, you can still listen to the programmes via our radio on demand service by going to the schedules for Saturday 30 Novem-
ber or Sunday 1 December and clicking on the programme that you want to hear.

steun onsWe can look back on an active year and many new programmes. But our future is less certain. Our main sponsors will end their support in Augustus 2014. We will therefore need all
the help we can get from our listeners.
Your donations are welcome! You can also support us as a friend. You can find more information here about how you can become
a friend.




There is no new competition this month, but here is the result of last month's competition and the name of the lucky winner.

cd met koorwerken van Strauss, Wagner en MahlerThese were the questions with the correct answers:

  1. Who arranged the choral works by
    Richard Strauss for a 16-part choir?
    Answer: Clytus Gottwald.
  2. Which choir did he establish?
    Answer: Scola Cantorum Stuttgart.
  3. Who was his teacher?
    There were 3 correct answers: Gyorgy Ligeti, Kurt Thomas and Gerhard Husch.

The winner of the CD with choral works by Strauss, Wagner and Mahler is R.M. Doesburg from Rotterdam.


Concertzender Live in December

In Concertzender Live on Sunday 8 December (15.00 - 17.00) you can listen
to recordings made by the Concertzender of two concerts: Super Librum Ensemble Super Librumin the Orgelpark on 7 June 2013 and the Fabulous Fringeconcert by Barbara Adamczyk during
the Festival Oude Muziek 2012.

The concert by Super Librum took place during
a symposium about medieval organs that was held from 6 to 8 June 2013 and was organised by the Orgelpark in Amsterdam. The concert was titled 'Adieu mes Amours' and the programme consisted of 15th century songs from France, Italy, Germany and the Netherlands and versions of these songs for organ and other instruments.

» read more

28 December: Solta a Franga night. The best of 2013!

During the night of Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 December it is again time for
a party without borders with Solta a Franga!DJ's Safri & Bertú

As in previous years, the last weekend of the year is reserved for no less than seven hours
of the best afro, latin, balkan, gypsy, oriental
and other world grooves.

Solta a Franga has been broadcast on the Concertzender every Friday night at 23:00
since 2009. DJs select the music and bring it together in a continuous mix.

For this special night, the usual team of the DJs Safri, Bertú & Socrates will present their favourite tracks from 2013.

» read more

Inventions for Radio presents Sarah van Sonsbeeck

On Christmas Day at 23:00, Inventions for Radio presents works by the artist Sarah van Sonsbeeck. Sarah van SonsbeeckThis programme, made specially for the Concertzender, has been inspired by memories from her youth.

Sarah van Sonsbeeck explains the work: "As an artist, I have been interested in silence since 2006. In that year, I both graduated from the Rietveld Academy and had terrible neighbours.
In desperation I sent them a letter in which I asked them to pay rent for that part of my
house that they occupied with their noise. Of course they didn't respond but I did discover what art could be and what it meant to be an artist.”

» read more

CD of the month: ‘Movements’ by Willem Hellbreker

Willem HellbrekerLouis Thörig, presenter and coordinator of the presentation team at the Concertzender, chose this month's CD.

“I have chosen a jazz CD that I often play while driving in my car. ‘Movements’ is a live recording from 2006 by the quartet of the tenor saxopho-
nist Willem Hellbreker. The atmosphere on ‘Movements’ makes me think of a dark and smoky night-club in the ’50s.”

“Hellbreker has a big sound, similar to the old American tenor-sax players, which you can hear especially well in the ballads. Melancholic and melodic. I first met Willem by chance during a holiday in Portugal and have been a fan of him since then.”


volgende nieuwsbriefNext newsletter

The next newsletter from the Concertzender will appear in January.

In the meantime, go to » our website for the latest news.

Bedankt voor uw steunHelp us to continue broadcasting

Are you a supporter of the Concertzender but not yet a sponsor?
» register as a sponsor or
» make a donation

Dependant on the amount of the donation you will receive:

  • a guided tour of the studio and a chance to meet the progamme makers
  • a cd from the Concertzender featuring Young Dutch Performers
  • 2 tickets for our annual concert and presentation

If you are already a sponsor, perhaps you have friends or colleagues who would also be interested in supporting the Concertzender.

» register your friend for our newsletter and inform him or her of the possibilities to sponsor the Concerzender.


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