Café Sonore celebrates Art's Birthday
with a grand radio event


On Sunday, January 17th, 2016, the Concertzender will celebrate
a special anniversary: Art’s Birthday. Yes, the birthday of Art. A celebration to commemorate the French Fluxus artist Robert
Filliou. This birthday will be celebrated with a grand, four-hour long, international radio event between 8:00 PM and 12:00 AM, including a live performance of Henry Vega in the studio of the Concertzender. Fluxus artist Robert FilliouWould you like to experience this per-
fomance with us? You are very welcome to join us!

The Internationale Ars Acustica
Group of the EBU (European Broadcasting Union) has been organizing a major radio event in honor of Art's Birthday for several years now. Public broadcasters in Europe, as well as independant
radio stations from all over the
world, provide a four-hour long broadcast on January 17 every year. These are broadcasted through two EBU satellites, appropriately named Haydn and Liszt. This night various radio stations all over the world will invite artists, musicians and sound artists to broadcast live accoustic gifts. Every broadcaster has been assigned some time on one of the satellites, meaning all broadcasts can be heard everywhere.


The origins of Fluxus lie in the sixties. At that time it was mainly the art movement kicking over sacred cows and which exploited the experiment in all grades. The
word Fluxus was created by George Maciunas, who is considered to be the founder
of the movembent, and it was first used around 1961 for art events in which the boundaries between visual art and music were lifted. The two best known Dutch
Fluxus artists are undoubtedly Willem de Ridder and Wim T. Schippers. But there
are many famous international artists who were attracted to Fluxus. For example composer John Cage bijvoorbeeld, as well as video artist Nam Yune Paik, visual
artist Joseph Beuys and composer La Monte Young.

The beginning of art

On January 17, 1963 Robert Filliou declared that one million years ago someone
threw a dry sponge into a bucket of water. According to Filliou, this moment marks
the birth of art. Ten years later the first real 'celebration' took place: the one
millionth and tenth birthday of art. This happened in the verjaardag vd kunstNeue Galerie in Aachen, Germany. Filliou died in 1987, but several artists honoured his La Fête Permanente as Filliou described it himself, by continuing to celebrate
the birthday of art by means of mail art, fax mail and slow scan television. Some kind of internet art avant la lettre.

Henry Vega

The Concertzender is proud to contribute to Art’s Birthday with
Café Sonore. Especially since the
first contribution to Art’s Birthday
by Café Sonore, more than 10 years ago, was also in collaboration with
the Concertzender. The Concert-
zender contributes to a particular piece of music: a new work by Henry Vega, his Sponge Suite. Vega, an American composer and electro musician, will perform live in the studio. This will take place from 10:20 PM to 10:30 PM. It can be heard live on the satellite at this time as well. About this event Henry Vega says:

“The piece refers to the birth of art and plays a homage to this unholy action which arguably infected us all with the terminal need for it. The piece takes and steals materials from different places including the very same birthday card given in this sound occasion. What I make of it steals from my own work as well, including music from the film Symmetry as well as the Wormsongs set.”

In this Café Sonore Special in honor of Art’s Birthday 2016, you can listen to beautiful work by global broadcasters for over four hours. We will also bring you a number of expected and unexpected guests, and if everything goes according to plan, there will be some radio plays created à la minute. In short, it will be a true Fluxus evening.

We would love to welcome you in our studio on January 17th from 8:00 PM to 12:00 PM. You can find our studio at the Ganzenmarkt 14 in Utrecht. You can sign up by sending an email to Seats are limited, registration is on a first come, first serve basis.

In case you want to know what's going to happen on January 17, please check out this special Art’s Birthday-page of the EBU.



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