Jew's harp is a small plucked instrument which is being
played in many
music genres: from folk music, classical music
and contemporary dance
music to post electronic music.
The Jew's harp
is found in Italy, Austria, Norway, Russia, the United States and
Indonesia. Each continent has its own Jew's harp traditions. Since
a few years Yakutia (north eastern Siberia) has known a national
holiday for the Jew's harp: Khomus Day. There is no other country where
the Jew's harp is held in such high regard.
Night of the Jew's harp
A few years ago Jew's harp player Danibal already composed a ‘Night of the Jew's harp’ for the Concertzender and we are trying to get him to prepare a sequel to this.
Now he is organising a Jew's
harp workshop in Amersfoort
with workshops of several players including Phons Bakx,
René Paes (Primal music),
Steven Stoop (Jew's harp
maker), Harm J. Linsen and Danibal himself.
Would you like to participate in this day? Please register with Danibal via
Jew's harp workshop, Saturday 20 June 2015, 14.00.
De War, Geldersestraat 6 (formerly Kleine Koppel 40), 3812 PP Amersfoort.
