11 June (20.00-22.00) in ‘Concertzender Live’ you
will hear not two but
three concert recordings of the Festival
Oude Muziek Utrecht 2014
(Festival Early Music) this time: Les Flamboyants, Per Sonat and the
Ricercar Consort with soprano Céline Scheen.
During the concert of Les Flam-
boyants renaissance music will sound which include a virtuoso arranged
qoudlibet by Heinrich Isaac. Les Flamboyants are specialised in
instrumental music from around 1500. The ensemble performs music
by Isaac with a singer, gambas, flutes and plucked instruments.
Per Sonat, conducted by Sabine Lutzenberger, also performs renaissance music but around
‘the Habsburg mayor of Augs-
burg’. The Holy Roman emperor
Maximilian I was referred by this name because he often
visited the city. Maximilian invested substantially in his musicians
and composers who included De la Rue, Josquin, Isaac and Senfl.
Much of their music has been collected in the 'Augsburger Liederbuch’.
The last concert recording of
this episode of ‘Concertzender Live’ is by the Ricercar Consort with soprano Céline
Their performance contains the Italian song art in Austria,
from Sances unto Schmelzer.
- Thursday 11 June
- Friday 19 June
