Introducing …


Beatrijs Vissers, programme maker Early Music

“I will be making programmes for the Concertzender's editorial team Early Music, for example ‘Documento’ (a topical programme with comparatively more text), ‘Early Delights’ (exploring Early Music) or ‘Nuove Musiche’ (a programme which highlights one or more new CDs). The thing I like the most is to elaborate on an idea and to collect music based on that idea."

Beatrijs Vissers

Studies musicology

“I am very familiar with the Concertzender, having worked there before, from 1991 to 2003. I started off as a volunteer and later on I had a permanent position. I was producer and editor of Early Music and Classi-
cal Music. At that time I worked with other volunteers to design and programme two evenings a week. Besides that I produced separate programmes and I also made a daily Bach programme. Or was it a weekly programme?
I don't exactly remember. But
it was great fun doing it and I
keep very good memories of
that period. I came to the Concertzender after my studies Musicology, upon recommen-
dation of a fellow student.
Right from the beginning I felt very much at home at the Con-
certzender. The organisational structure was entirely horizontal, it was a cheerful and creative gang now and then. Most of the time, the people could get along with each other very well. It was a very pleasant atmosphere.”

First mate

“After my studies in musicology, I worked at the Concertzender for twelve years. During this period I started an abridged Maritime Education and when I had my certificates, I quit my job and started sailing as first mate on a little coaster. I travelled throughout Europe carrying freight. It was a very different world, that's obvious. In the long term, I started having rheumatic complaints and that made
the work on board the ship too risky. It's quite hard, physical work for the first
mate on board, especially when you make a lot of short trips. For each new freight on board, you have to have a spotless cargo hold, so it's definitely hard work,
which in the end became too much for me. I quit the sailing and decided to go
back to the Concertzender as a volunteer. I have been doing that for the past
two months and I must say it was a warm welcome back for me. So nice!”

Country life

“I did my studies in Musicology in Utrecht and I really like being back in the city on
a regular basis. It feels very familiar to me. Nowadays I live on (the island) Texel, which I really enjoy. I love the country life and every day I go out hiking in nature, near the coast of the Wad or on the North Sea beach. This summer I will start working as a volunteer on the island as well, at a hospice which is currently being built. Besides that I like playing the piano, reading books and going for a swim. I
am in Amsterdam rather frequently and whenever I am in the capital, I can easily visit the Concertzender.”


CZ partners

KimmicGreenhostUPCRTV UtrechtUtrecht MuziekSaltoCultuurfonds