Introducing …


Erwin Maas, presenter

“For a few months now I have been a presenter at the Concertzender. On weeknights I look after the presentation of the live broadcasts. For my first acquaintance with CZ we have to go back about 10 years. I can still remember sitting at home in Brabant as a child with my ear glued to the radio. The concertzender was simply on the cable in those days. For the first time in my
life I heard jazz, a tenacious love of my youth. That same love brought me back again to this broadcaster. When I started to gain more in-depth knowledge
about jazz some years ago, my search took me regularly to the Concertzender’s archives: an absolute gold mine. Where can you still find something like that?”

Erwin MaasTheatre experience

“On the website I noticed regu-
larly that they were looking for new presenters. As I have a lot of experience with the theater presenting is not completely new to me. Fortunately I could do a test fast and shortly after that I was able to start. I am glad that, as a presenter, I will be able to make a contribution now to the ever expanding archives of the Concertzender. And whenever I can, I bring the Concertzender
to the attention of my contem-
poraries. The latter has become a lot easier with the beautiful new app!”

Foreign languages

“Working at the Concertzender really pleases me up to now. As a newcomer to the radio world I find it great to be surrounded by so many experienced specialists. Every time it is a challenge to put the passion of the broadcasters across to the listener. And my music knowledge keeps on growing weekly. For instance, these days I know quite a lot about Russian ‘dark ambient’. Secretly I enjoy pronouncing difficult titles in foreign languages while presenting.”

Literary science

“Alongside my activities for the Concertzender I study Comparative Literary Studies at Utrecht University. I hope to finish my Master-thesis by the end of this year. Also I am chief-editor of ‘Frame, Journal of Literary Studies’, the literary science maga-
zine. We publish work from all over the world in that magazine. In my spare time I read and listen to everything I can lay my hands on, otherwise you can find me in one of the the better Utrecht pubs.”


CZ partners

KimmicGreenhostUPCRTV UtrechtUtrecht MuziekSaltoCultuurfonds