

This month you can win the CD 'Songs of quest and inspiration' with songs by Cyrill Scott and Ralph Vaughan Williams.

Songs of quest and inspirationThe question last month was: Who wrote a novel about the pianist Youri Egorov and what
is the title of that novel? The correct answer was Jan Brokken, 'In the House of the Poet'. The winner was Frans van Mede-
voort from Bakhuizen. His prize was the 10 CD box-set by Youri Egorov (Et'cetera KTC 1469).

This month's question

What is the name of the group
of composers that included Cyril Scott?

What can you win?

This month you can win the CD 'Songs of quest and inspiration' with songs by Cyrill Scott and Ralph Vaughan Williams. The songs are performed by Robbert Muuse and Micha van Weers (Challenge Classics CC 72527).

What must you do?

We will select the prize winner at random from the entries with the correct answer. The name of the winner will be announced in next month's newsletter together
with the new competition. The winner will also be informed by e-mail.

This competition is made possible by the kind support of several record labels.
They supply the CDs, DVDs and concert tickets that are the prizes. This month's prize was made available by Klassieke Zaken.


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