Wednesday 28 May we are presenting a theme night from 21:00 to
midnight about psychedelica in contemporary music, our last live
from Conclusion in Utrecht. Our special guest is Dennis
Duijnhouwer from
the Amsterdam psychedelic doom-metal band Mühr.
sounds have been used in music for many years. In the 1960s and 1970s
they were a hype, particularly during the period of the Flower
Power movement on the West Coast
of the US, which peaked during the
‘Summer Of Love’ ('67/'69). They were also frequent multi-
happenings from 1966 in the Roundhouse in London and in the scene
around the UFO Club.
effects, such as feedback, wah-wah and distortion, were typical
for this period. Studio effects such as playing tapes backwards,
long tape loops,
echo and exotic instruments
with a strong
preference for
the sitar and tabla were also introduced.
Electronic key-
boards, such as first generation synthesizers
became common as well as complex sounds and rhythms.
texts contained direct
and indirect references to mind-
expanding drugs
and surrealistic visual experiences. All these elements were
combined to produce compositions that filled
a complete side of an LP
and could last hours during live perfomances.
maker Paul Lemmens (Popart) will explore the revival of psychedelia in
contemporary music together with Dennis Duijnhouwer from
Amsterdam's psychedelic doom-metal band Mühr on Wednesday 28 May
from 21:00.
Wikipedia page about psychedelic music
Mühr's page on Facebook
