May I introduce myself…


Karin van den Boogaert: programme maker Acoustic Roots

Karin has been working for the Concertzender since October 2012. “I left the Dutch department of the Wereldomroep in May 2012, saying goodbye with a spectacular 24-hour broadcast on radio and tv - the last 10 minutes can still be seen on YouTube. I had worked there for more than 20 years and was devoted to them. I started with radio, but also presented tv-programmes for the satellite channel BVN for 10 years. Although I also made programmes for many other stations (including  Vroege Vogels for the VARA and the Radio 1 Journaal for the NOS) I still treasure my time at the Wereldomroep the most. I could do everything there and learnt so much.”

Karin van den BoogaertAcoustic Roots
“I present several programmes  for the Concertzender, but recently I have focussed primarily on one: Acoustic Roots. The programme features live performances by world-music artists in the Concertzender's “living room”. It is on the third Friday of the month, and the artists also get the opportunity to talk about their music. Technician Hans Meerman asked me last year to make this programme together with him and I have had no regrets since then about my decision.”

Jack of all trades
“My work is not only presenting the programme. Hans and I do everthing ourselves, together with the coordinator for World Music, Carolien Cleiren. This means: invite the musicians, a preliminary meeting, preparing the interview, agreeing the setlist and script, writing the callsheet, welcoming the musicians on the day of the broadcast, the complete technical set-up…and breaking it all down again at the end, making sure there is enough coffee and something to eat. I really do everything. The programme has been so succesful that we have also produced a spin-off in the build up to the Festival Oude Muziek. That programme is De Musyck Kamer, and is only intended for special occassions. It will certainly be repeated.”

All the world to me
“I work at the Concertzender because making radio programmes is all the world to me. I have earned my living in this way for a long time, and immediately started looking for something similar when my job at the Wereldomroep ended last year. I work as a volunteer at the Concertzender to keep in touch with radio. And also to learn how to present music programmes, I had not done that before. I saw an advert at the Vrijwilligerscentrale and was taken on after an initial interview, voice test, a trial period etc. One evening, Hans Meerman starting talking to me about his plans for Acoustic Roots and the rest is history.”

“I also work as a freelancer. For example, I present ‘Hoe?zo!’ , a popular science programme for NTR on Radio 5. Last summer I worked on ‘Vakantieadres’, also on Radio 5, and I occasionaly present the tv-nieuws for Omroep Gelderland. In November, I will be doing voice-overs for the animations in a new programme for the VARA about the economy.”

The future of the Concertzender
“Finally, I would like to say something about the recent developments at the Concertzender. It will be a terrible shame if such an exceptional radio-station, with an unbelievable range of programmes, is forced to stop broadcasting. It offers so much enjoyment, for the programme makers and for the listeners… let's all work together to make sure it can continue! I am convinced that radio is the future. Many people were somber about the future of radio when I started my career, but that have never stopped me (despite my law degree). I don't want to be without the Concertzender, although I have enough other interests: travel, cooking, tennis and reading (lots of reading), everything from thrillers to serious literature.”


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