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The Concertzender in September: anniversary festival

Things turned out well this summer after all. We enjoyed the sun and slowed down the pace.

Now that we are completely relaxed again, we can return to work with new enthusiasm. This month our special anniversary festival is taking place, an opportunity to celebrate our 40th anniversary at some of our favourite venues.

Will we see you there?


Friday September 13th to Tuesday September 17th

Theme: General


Concertzender anniversary concerts

jubileumfestivalWe have been celebrating our 40th anniversary all year. Our collaborations with the various venues have also been important during all those years.

In September we have been able to put together a special programme of concerts with three of these venues:

  • 13, 14 and 15 September: festival Muze van Zuid in Amsterdam
  • 14 september: special programme on two of the stages in Zaal 100 (which also started in 1984!)
  • 17 september: De Link in Tilburg

Click here for full details of all the concerts (in Dutch).

Are you a Friend of the Concertzender? Then you can buy tickets with a discount. Send us an e-mail with the concerts that you would like to attend for more information.


Wednesday September 4th

Theme: Crosslinks


Popart presents PUDDING & GISTEREN

PUDDING & GISTEREN is a new series presented and curated by Mark Ritsema.

Mark RitsemaHe shows that prog rock lives on in contemporary pop, rock and jazz, makes connections with interesting underground bands from the past and also pays hommage to the prog dinosaurs of yesteryear. PUDDING & GISTEREN (named after Supersister's iconic 1972 album) presents prog as a broad, living and, above all, progressive genre with many branches.

Prog rock, prog or progressive emerged in the late 1960s as a new musical development from psychedelic rock. It was initially mainly a term for rock that became increasingly mature and incorporated influences from classical music, avant-garde, jazz, folk and every other possible style.

Listen: Popart - PUDDING & GISTEREN, Wednesday September 4th, 22:00 – 23:00 CET.


On demand

Theme: World


Michael Baird in Acoustic Moods

Michael BairdFour times a year there is a 5th Friday in the month and you can listen to an extra episode of Acoustic Moods. This time Michael Baird is our guest.

He is not only a drummer and composer, but also an avid collector of authentic African music, especially that from his native Northern Rhodesia (now Zambia). He uses that music to draw us into a fascinating world of rhythms!

Michael brought so much music with him that there was enough for a second programme. That programme can be heard on Friday, November 29, in which he will tell us even more about his music experiences.

Listen: Acoustic Moods, broadcast Friday August 30th.



Theme: Classical


vacancy compiler classicalVacancy Compiler Classical

Do you know a lot about classical music? And would you like to share your knowledge with others? Then we are looking for you!

The Concertzender is looking for a programme maker/compiler for the Classical Music department. You will work together with the coordinator of the Classical department and have the opportunity to make a radio programme either once a week or once every two weeks. This program is first broadcast on the Concertzender and can then be listened to on demand.

Employees of the Concertzender work on a voluntary basis.

Go here for more information on this vacancy (in Dutch).

Go here for an overview of all vacancies (in Dutch).


Sunday September 8th

Theme: Crosslinks


10 years of DreamScenes

Among the many long-running series on the Concertzender, DreamScenes is actually still a 'beginner'. Nevertheless, in September the monthly series celebrates its 10th anniversary with episode 120.

DreamScenesThe series started in October 2014 on Peter van Cooten's music blog ambientblog.net, and has been broadcast on the Concertzender every second Sunday of the month since July 2017 (from episode 33).

DreamScenes is a non-stop program, without spoken introductions so as not to break the dreamy atmosphere. Dreamy, but not sleepy – in addition to relaxation, there is always a certain tension present. After all, dreams are not always pleasant.

The monthly broadcasts generally focus on recently released music, yet the older broadcasts do not sound dated. This makes the episodes very suitable for listening on-demand. This is of course possible via concertzender.nl, and (for the older episodes) also via dreamscenes.nl. DreamScenes is also available as a Concertzender Podcast to which you can subscribe (for example in Apple Podcasts or on Spotify).

Listen: DreamScenes, Sunday September 8th, 20:00 - 21:00 CET.

Go here for all episodes of DreamScenes.


End of September

Theme: Jazz


New on World of Jazz: Jazzkotabel with Hans Mantel and Rembrand Frerichs

JazzkatobelIn Jazzkotabel, co-hosts Hans Mantel and Rembrandt Frerichs, together with two guests from the jazz scene, listen to and discuss today's jazz.

Highly recommended for anyone who already loves jazz, wants to learn more about the genre, or is just interested in the latest developments in the music world.

At the end of September, Kika Spangers and Jarmo Hoogendijk visit the studio for the first episode. Keep an eye on our social media for the exact broadcast date. The Utrecht TivoliVredenburg has made their recording studio available for this programme. Another example of one of the venues we like to work with!


On demand

Theme: Contemporary


Composer and pianist Marc Hamilin in Harmonious

Marc-André Hamelin (1961) is particularly famous as a virtuoso pianist who does not limit himself to the standard repertoire and enjoys seeking out, performing and recording unknown works.

Marc HamelinHe has already released more than 130 CDs. He is less well-known as a composer, but the word promising would do him no justice. Hamelin often stands on the shoulders of the old masters, whose works he quotes in his piano pieces, but he also freely uses such works as the starting point for new compositions.

During this episode of Harmonious you will hear music by Marc-André Hamelin as both composer and pianist.

Listen: Harmonious, broadcast Sunday September 1st.



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3512 GD Utrecht
T: 030 231 20 96
E: concertzender info

Concertzender op Sociale Media

Privacy Statement
Editorial staff:
Louise van Heerebeek
Silvie Hermsen
David Young
Tim Newman
Coding and design:
Ronald Visser


Next newsletter

The next Concertzender newsletter will (likely) appear late September / early October.
In the meantime, go to our website for the latest news.


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Do you hold the Concertzender dear, are you a donor? In 2024 the Lerak Foundation will double all donations: an additonal reason to support the Concertzender with a financial contribution now!

So Sign up to become a donor or make a one-time donation.

If you are a donor already, perhaps you have friends or colleagues who would also be interested in supporting the Concertzender.

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