Live muziek | Interviews | Live radio-uitzending
Utrecht Centraal beeldmerk

In June, Utrecht, the home of the Concertzender, is all about live music with a new free music festival: Utrecht Centraal.

On Monday 5th June Utrecht will be become a huge musical stage with a rich and varied musical offering combined with special, hidden, out of the way locations. From classical to pop, from vocal to instrumental, from new bands to established names. A programme in conjunction with the Utrecht podia and musicians of which there are are so many in the city.

Come on Monday 5th June to the Concertzender podium on the Stadhuisplein and meet the Concertzender.

Cultural Sundays Utrecht and the Concertzender are working together. The Concertzender will be broadcasting live from the Concertzender podium on the Stadhuisplein. Live music and interviews one after the other. With Eric Vloeimans, Holland Baroque, Folk Road Show and many more!Poster Culturele Zondag

There will also be a RadioLAB, where children from van 8 to 13 can make a real radio show with radio presenters and technicians. More information about times and how to reserve your place can be found elsewehere in this news letter.

Culturele Zondag – Utrecht Centraal – Concertzender Live

Meet the Concertzender LIVE on Monday 5 Junei 2017, from 13:00 to 18:00, Stadhuisplein, Korte Minrebroederstraat, Utrecht.

More information and updates on:

Facebook Concertzender

Facebook Culturele Zondagen



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GreenhostStichting Educatie en CulttuurRTV UtrechtMuziekwebGemeente UtrechtdioraphteFentener van Vlissingen fondskfHein fondsElise MathildeSaltoPrins Bernhard Cultuurfonds