The Concertzender regularly focusses on the work of female composers. For example, our weekly programme Radio Mona Lisa, which features female composers from Hildegard Von Bingen to Calliope Tsoupaki.demonstratie vrouwenkiesrecht

On International Women's Day, Wednesday 8 March, we will be doing something extra. You will be able to hear a lot of music composed by women throughout the day. Will the Concertzender sound any different from other days? It shouldn't do. Women composers are just as good as the men, right?

The list below includes all our special programmes for International Women's Day:

7:00 CET Morning edition with music by Ethel Smyth, Belle van Zuylen, Bertha Frensel Wegener-Koopman & Rosy Wertheim.

12:00 CET Radio Mona Lisa with music by Marjo Tal, Rieteke Hölscher, Edie Hill and Maria Schneider.

14:00 CET Pure Classical with music by Caroline von Brandenstein, Giuseppa Aurnhammer, Maria Teresa d’Agnesi Pinottini, Anna Bon di Venezia, Maria Theresia von Paradis, Sophie Maria Westenholtz, Juliane Reichardt and Cecilie Maria Barthélemon.

15:00 CET Concertzender Now which includes an interview with minister Jet Bussemaker.

19:00 CET Chronicle of Dutch Music with music by Johanna Bordewijk-Roepman.

20:00 CET Radio Mona Lisa with an International Women's Day special.



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GreenhostStichting Educatie en CulttuurRTV UtrechtGemeente UtrechtSaltoPrins Bernhard Cultuurfonds