This month you can win a CD with a recording of the Goldberg Variations by Bach if you know the correct answer to our competion question.

This major work by Johann Sebastian Bach is performed on the harpsichord by Blandine Rannou [Zig Zag 111001].Goldberg Variaties

Previous competition

Last month's question was:
Which 3 composers have taught the composer Lisa Streich? The correct answer was:Adriana Hölszky, Margaretha Hürholz and Chaya Czernowin.Our winner was Luc Nijs from Turnhout. Congratulations!

This month's question

Who wrote a Dutch novel about Goldberg?

What do you have to do?

We will select the prize winner from the correct answers sent to us and publish the winner in our next newsletter together with our next competition. The winner will also be personally informed by e-mail.

This column is possible thanks to several record labels. They provide us with CDs, DVDs and concert tickets.



CZ partners



GreenhostStichting Educatie en CulttuurRTV UtrechtGemeente UtrechtSaltoPrins Bernhard Cultuurfonds