In the last newsletter we announced our intention to give away two copies of the DVD Present to the Highest Pudding by Robert-Jan Stips. The responses were extremely enthousiastic, and simply "nostalgia" according to our recording engineer Kees van de Wiel.

One reader Wym van Noort responded with the following story: “I have been a fan of Supersister since I was a teenager and started buying LPs with my pocket-money. I bought all of the Supersister LPs and I still have them. One of them was the compilation: Superstarshine vol.3. This contains the B-side of the single The Groupies of the Band. Two female background singers can be heard on this track, but their names are not mentioned on the record cover.”Robert-Jan Stips

A surprising discovery

“I met my current girlfriend in 2008. It was love at first sight because we had so much in common. For example, we were both musicians. In our first conversation I came to the surprising discovery that she was one of the backing singers on the Supersister record. Now one of the voices had a name: Moniek Voulon. I have now been with her for nine years, but she has been in my record collection for more than 40 years.”

“We met Robert-Jan Stips a few years ago after a concert by The Nits. He could still remember recording the track.”

Kees and Wym, you are our winners, congratulations and enjoy the DVD Present to the Highest Pudding.



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