This month you can win two tickets for a performance of Beet-
hoven's Missa Solemnis
on 11 October. As usual you
need to
know the correct answer to our
question, but this
month you
also need to be quick, answers must be
by 5 October
at the latest!
On Tuesday 11 October, Het Orkest van de Achttiende Eeuw and Cappella Amsterdam are performing Beethoven's Missa Solemnis in the Grote Zaal of the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam. For more informtion visit the website of the Concertgebouw.
Previous competition
Our question in September was: Who was the architect of the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam? The correct answer was Adolf
Leonard Van Gendt. The winners of the tickets for the concert by Anna Prohaska
were Mrs Wolf, the Smit family and Mrs. Gerald. Congratulations!
This month's question
This month's question is in three parts:
- What is a Missa Solemnis?
- When did Beethoven compose his Missa Solemnis?
- For whom did he compose it?
Don't forget, answers need to be received by 5 October; much earlier than usual.
What can you win?
You can win two tickets for a performance of the Missa Solemnis in the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam.
What do you have to do?
We will select the prize winner from the correct answers sent
to us and publish the winner in our next newsletter together with our
next competition. The winner will
also personally receive an e-mail.
This column is possible thanks to several record labels. They provide
us with CDs, DVDs and concert tickets.