

This month you can win a CD by Erik Bosgraaf and Yuri Honing with the correct answer to our competition question.

The question in our competion in May was: What were the names of the three
cardinals that supported Händel during his period in Italy? The correct answer
was: the cardinals Ottoboni, Phamphili and Colonna. The winner of the Händel
CD that was the prize is: Erica Wesseling from Laren. Congratulations!prijsvraag

This month's question

This month's question is: Which concerts inspired the CD Hotel Terminus by Erik Bosgraaf and
Yuri Honing?

What can you win?

The prize this month is the CD
that inspired the question - Hotel Terminus by recorder player Erik Bosgraaf and saxophonist Yuri
Honing [Brilliant Classics 9418].

What do you have to do?

We will select the prize winner from the correct answers sent to us and publish the winner in our next newsletter together with our next competition. The winner will
also personally receive an e-mail.

This column is possible thanks to several record labels. They provide us with CDs, DVDs and concert tickets.



CZ partners



GreenhostStichting Educatie en CulttuurRTV UtrechtGemeente UtrechtSaltoPrins Bernhard Cultuurfonds