Hohe Messe by Masaaki Suzuki


We present a special episode of Concertzender Live on Thursday evening 16 June at 20:00. With some pride, we broadcast our recordings of the performance of the Hohe Messe by Bach performed by Masaaki Suzuki portretBach Collegium Japan led by Masaaki Suzuki on last 19 April in the Concertgebouw. Preceding, an exclusive interview with Masaaki Suzuki, held by Govert Jan Bach.

On Tuesday 19 April 2016, a memorable performance took place
of the Mass in b minor, BWV 232 (Hohe Messe) by Johann Sebastian Bach by the Japanese conductor
and Bach expert Masaaki Suzuki.
With his Bach Collegium Japan, he managed to get an almost fully
booked Grote Zaal of the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam.
The performance by Suzuki became
a memorable experience and approached perfection.

The Concertzender had the great privilege to be present at this event!

In the Hohe Messe, Bach used melodies from his whole oeuvre, however, it is no motley combination. Rejoicing and intimate, dramatic and tranquil: the Hohe Messe gives voice to the cycle of life and death. And the expectation of eternity which follows.Masaaki Suzuki


  • Bach Collegium Japan
  • Conductor Masaaki Suzuki
  • Joanne Lunne and Hana Blažíková – soprano
  • Robin Blaze – countertenor
  • Makoto Sakurada – tenor
  • Dominik Wörner – bass

This episode of Concertzender Live
is hosted by Joop van Zijl, known
for hosting Bach Ad Infinitum.

An introductory hour will be broadcast preceding Concertzender Live, at 19:00, with an exclusive interview held by Govert Jan Bach with Masaaki Suzuki before the concert.


  • Concertzender Live, Introduction: Thursday 16 June 2016, 19:00 - 20:00
    (rerun: Friday 24 June 2016, 14:00 - 15:00)
  • Concertzender Live, Hohe Messe: Thursday 16 June 2016, 20:00 - 22:00
    (rerun: Friday 24 June 2016, 15:00 - 17:00)



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GreenhostStichting Educatie en CulttuurRTV UtrechtGemeente UtrechtSaltoPrins Bernhard Cultuurfonds