The rich variety of jazz
on the Concertzender


The Concertzender is deeply saddened by the decision of the Dutch Public Broadcasting to stop Radio 6, the jazz channel, in its current form. Budgets have been decimated and the channel must continue as a subchannel with mainly non-stop music. The Concertzender thinks jazz is important and believes jazz needs to have a serious place on public radio. Because our role as a public broadcaster becomes more important now, we would like to draw your attention to our jazz programs.

Did you know you can listen to over 35 jazz programs on the Concertzender every month? And we pay attention to both contemporary jazz and jazz from the 30s-50s,
for example. Jazz lovers are in for a treat at the Concertzender, since almost all jazz styles are represented at the Concertzender.

banner jazzOld and New

Jazz has been around for more than 100 years. It's a lively form of music, because improvisation is its main component. Jazz has always been and will always be
evolving, that is why this music is so interesting. The jazz programs of the Concert-
zender covers all jazz styles, from past till present. For example, we have Classic Jazz, the program that covers old-style jazz, and Holiday for Hipsters, with jazz from the 30s-50s, but we also have JazznotJazz, a program with room for contemporary jazz. Another extraordinary program is Moanin’ the Blues, which covers the earliest blues recordings.

Famous artists

We also offer several programs in which artists are central. For example we have
the monthly prgram Musician’s Corner, where in each episode a Dutch musician is interviewed, or we have Holland Jazz, in which current Dutch jazz CDs are played. And we have the biweekly program Duke Ellington Duke Ellington covering all ther is
to know about this magnificent jazz composer.


Apart from these programs the Concertzender pays attention to various jazz styles in several theme programs, like Latin Jazz, vocale jazz, nostalgische jazz, hardbop and jazz piano. All programs can be listened via uitzending gemist. And all jazz programs are repeated on Saturday from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM.

For an overview of our jazz and the latest news about jazz, please check out the
jazz-theme site
of the Concertzender. You can also download our e-flyer whit a complete overview of what we have to offer.



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KimmicGreenhostZiggoRTV UtrechtUtrecht MuziekSaltoCultuurfonds