Wino Penris is 56 years old, married to Astrid and father of Renée and Simone. He lives in Amersfoort.
“I studied business studies in Tilburg. As well as my work I also studied, among
other things, electronics , leader/lightworker
( People and Intuition), Professional Communication and train the
trainer at Phoenix Opleidingen. At the moment I'm in
my second year of
a 4 year training course leading to Ecointention practitioner at the
Center for Ecointention. I work part-time at a government organisation
in Den Haag. I'm also an independent organisational advisor,trainer, coach and counsellor. In addition I'm chief editor of WoNo
Magazine. From time to time I produce a cd. Spirituality plays an
important role in my life.”
Unique radio stations
“Seven years or so ago I wanted to write a series of articles for WoNo Magazine about unique radio stations. The Concert-
zender was my first priority. My interview with Gusta Korteweg, then director of the Concert-
zender, took an unexpected
direction. Gusta asked me if I wanted to make programmes.
article about the Concert-
zender did appear, the others from that series
never did. I
didn't have the time any more,
as I had to make programmes!
have just started with a series Limburgse Kaas, about contemporary music in Limburg and I also make the programme Kairos.”
Tube radio
“When I was young I often kneeled in front of the radio. It was an
enormous tube radio that stood on a separate table in the living room. I
studied the names of cities on the tuning dial and turned it until it
pointed to another city. I had no idea where they were and couldn't
understand what was said. But the music I could understand! All those
different types of music took me on a dream journey. My fantasy took
over and created beautiful images. Time stood still. With Kairos I try to recreate that feeling for the listener.”

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