Introducing… Wino Penris,
programme maker new music


Wino Penris is 56 years old, married to Astrid and father of Renée and Simone. He lives in Amersfoort.

“I studied business studies in Tilburg. As well as my work I also studied, among
other things, electronics , leader/lightworker ( People and Intuition), Professional Communication and train the trainer at Phoenix Opleidingen. At the moment I'm in
my second year of a 4 year training course leading to Ecointention practitioner at the Center for Ecointention. I work part-time at a government organisation in Den Haag. I'm also an independent organisational advisor,trainer, coach and counsellor. In addition I'm chief editor of WoNo Magazine. From time to time I produce a cd. Spirituality plays an important role in my life.” Wino Penris

Unique radio stations

“Seven years or so ago I wanted to write a series of articles for WoNo Magazine about unique radio stations. The Concert-
zender was my first priority. My interview with Gusta Korteweg, then director of the Concert-
zender, took an unexpected direction. Gusta asked me if I wanted to make programmes.
The article about the Concert-
zender did appear, the others from that series never did. I
didn't have the time any more,
as I had to make programmes!
I have just started with a series Limburgse Kaas, about contemporary music in Limburg and I also make the programme Kairos.”

Tube radio

“When I was young I often kneeled in front of the radio. It was an enormous tube radio that stood on a separate table in the living room. I studied the names of cities on the tuning dial and turned it until it pointed to another city. I had no idea where they were and couldn't understand what was said. But the music I could understand! All those different types of music took me on a dream journey. My fantasy took over and created beautiful images. Time stood still. With Kairos I try to recreate that feeling for the listener.”



CZ partners



KimmicGreenhostZiggoRTV UtrechtUtrecht MuziekSaltoCultuurfonds