

This month you can win a CD by the label Pentatone, if you know the answer to the question.

Last month's question was: Which two Dutchmen were/are conductors of the Dallas Symphony Orchestra? We wanted to hear two names: Paul van Katwijk and Jaap van Zweden. Hedy Lamarr

The winner of the CD with
the 5th and 6th symphony
of Ludwig van Beethoven, performed by the Dallas Symphony Orchestra [DSO
Live 0844667029031] is
Anna de Boer from Leeuwarden. Congratulations!

This month's question

The question for March is: You heard music by George Antheil
in the programme 'Pentatunes'
(on Wednesday 4 March from 14:00 - 15:00h). Together with actress Hedy Lamarr he worked at an invention that to this day would determine for example
our mobile network. What is
the name of this invention?

What can you win?

A CD with music by George Antheil under the label of Pentatone.

What do you have to do?

We will select the prize winner from the correct answers sent to us and publish
the winner in our next newsletter together with our next competition. The winner will also personally receive an e-mail.

This column is possible thanks to several record labels. They provide us with CDs, DVDs and concert tickets. This month’s CD has been issued by Pentatone.



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Kimmic Greenhost UPC RTV Utrecht Utrecht Muziek Salto Cultuurfonds