Review of Acoustic Roots 2014


There have been 19 editions of ‘Acoustic Roots’ in 2014 and the makers of the programme look back at the music that has been broadcast during the year. Acoustic Roots

In mid-2014 the Concertzender moved from the Conclusion building in the outskirts of Utrecht to the Ganzenmarkt in the centre of the city. ‘Acoustic Roots’ moved at the same time to the 16th century chapel of
the Pieterskerk, the Pieternel.

A view from the kitchen

The Pieternel usually functions
as a living room for the pro-
gramme, the central location where listeners are invited to join Karin the presentor and Hans the technician and enjoy the music. However, for this special programme, Karin and Hans have moved to the kitchen. This is the place where the menus are put together and each course is prepared and tasted. From here, they look back at their favourite music and the most memorable moments from a year of Acoustic Roots, and look forward to the events of next year.


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