

This month you can win a CD with compositions by Sylvia Maessen
if you can answer our question correctly

The question last month was: What name is given to the Piano sonata D 840 by Franz Schubert? The correct answer was ‘Reliquie’. Our winner is Sonja Clason
from Enschede. She wins a CD by pianist Shai Wosner with works including the Pianosonate D 850, issued on the Onyx label (Onyx 4073).

Inspired by PoetryThis month's question

In which city was the premiere
of Sylvia Maessen's recon-
struction of the chamber
music versions of Chopin's
piano concertos and which international ensemble gave
the performance?

What can you win?

The entries with the correct answer have a chance of
winning the CD 'Inspired by Poetry' by Sylvia Maessen.
The performers on the CD
are the soprano Irene Maessen and a select group of musicians, including Eleonore Pameijer (flute) and Loes van Ras
(piano). The album is issued
on the Future Classics label
(with number 13.1).

What must you do?

We will select the prize winner at random from the entries with the correct
answer. The draw will take place 14 days after this newsletter is published
and we will announce the name of the winner:

  • in an e-mail to the winner
  • in a news item on » our website
  • in the next newsletter together with a new competition
This competition is made possible by the kind support of several record labels.
They supply the CDs, DVDs and concert tickets that are the prizes. This month's
CD has been made available personally by Sylvia Maessen.


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